Monday, May 25, 2009

One Step At A Time

'Do you think America will ever elect a homosexual as President?'

This question stemmed from the animated discussion I was having with a few friends about the controversy surrounding Kris Allen's shocking American Idol victory. The title belonged to Adam Lambert long before Kris Allen was even named the dark horse. He was in a league of his own, pitching notes 'no one knew existed', belting out some Led Zeppelin and performing with K.I.S.S. - firsts on the Idol stage.

They say Kris snagged the Christian vote, insinuating that the American people are so homophobic that they would rather give the title to a less deserving (in my opinion and in the opinion of many) contestant.

That’s when he said it. How ludicrous a thought, knowing so well the story of Barack Obama! How many times must it have been said 'America will never vote a black man as president!' It must have been said with so much conviction. And barely forty years after being granted the right to vote, a black man sits at the head of the table, the head of the American family.

Intelligence, talent and goodness surpass all cultures, caste and creed. Perhaps this makes me less 'Catholic' (Catholicism has a big X stamped across homosexuality). I've been told during Bible study that I cannot choose parts of my faith to believe in. All or nothing, they said. I stand in the middle, wallowing in indecision about this label I wear.

But I know what I believe:
That any man or woman who possesses the intelligence, talent or ability to do whatever he or she wants to do and be whoever he or she wants to be, can do so. No-holds-barred. And there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it.


Anonymous Sam said...

Well darling...i love the way you write... however... your last few lines...

That any man or woman who possesses the intelligence, talent or ability to do whatever he or she wants to do and be whoever he or she wants to be, can do so. No-holds-barred. And there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it.

can the terrorist who walked into taj / oberoi say the same? isnt Osama also an individual whos doin exactly wat he wants?

i'd like to wait for ur next blog!

2:18 PM  

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