Saturday, February 26, 2005

A Piece Of Yourself...Right Here

The purpose of writing about yourself, for example, writing an autobiography or keeping a blog such as this, is so that the people who read it may be able to identify with some part of it.

This is me.. but I hope you find a piece of yourself here.

Perfection Before Speed

Perfection of a task must be attained prior to speed at completing it.

This thought was born as I took my time washing my dinner plate as my father standing behind me persisted to hurry. A larger thought finding origin in a small task. However, as I thought about it, I realised that I have already been applying this in every sphere of my life. Another example is driving. Before being able to drive fast, I am perfecting the task of driving itself.

After all, being able to complete a task quickly is no indicator of how well you do the task.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Entering Normal Time

Life has its peaks, and its troughs, and then it has this duration called 'normal time.' An exciting project comes your way, becoming the epicentre of your life, taking your time and your soul. And as this comes to an end, you finally find yourself idle and it takes time to re-adjust to the 'normal' way of life.

And you wonder whether it will infact return completely back to normal. Will the friendships forged during this peak period phase out into normal time? Or will 'normal' now be defined as being at a higher frequency?

I close the door on this thought, and step out into reality. I hope it's not too cold.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

The Wonder Years & Relationships

Remember when we were in the 9th grade, and we liked a person in one of our classes, or in our grade? Remember how simple those crushes were, devoid of all the complications?

At the still very young age of 18, I wonder when the intricacies of relationships seeped through.

I reminisce upon those 'wonder years' and try to enjoy my last year of high school the way it was meant to be enjoyed!

Press Pause

The past week has been one of the busiest of the last few months. Amidst all the running around, schedules, organisation, work, it dawned upon me that it is so easy to lose yourself in the hullabaloo.

It is essential therefore to take a moment in jumble of our lives, to press pause, remember God, take a deep breath, mentally refuel. It takes effort in itself to allow ourselves this moment, but in that moment, we can enjoy the little joys of life.

And we then do not find ourselves one year later wondering how the past year flew by.

Monday, February 14, 2005

So Live It With Passion

There are many great feelings. One that I truly enjoy is that rush, that charged up feeling when you are 100% motivated! You see life with no boundaries and your true potential dawns on you. It truly is an invigorating feeling.

And it is this feeling that is derived from passion. Passion for the task ahead or for life on the whole. Without passion, life is devoid of anything meaningful. It is that desire to want to put your heart and soul into every little thing that you do is what makes life worth living. Not only does it make life meaningful, it adds substance to the person you are.

I was speaking with a very special person who told me that he didn't mind losing all his savings just to do something that he is passionate about. Being that passionate, he is bound to be successful. Having the heart to complete a task is half the battle won! The other half is to have the mind for it.

His wise words: "Remember you only live once." My addition: "So live it with passion."

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Walking In Circles

We 'grown-ups' have this tendency to complicate situations. The answer is almost always apparent and simple. However, we become blind as we muddy rationality with nuances of unnecessary emotion and drama. Stripped down to the bare wound, the problem tends to heal itself faster. It is, of course, impossible for us to be devoid of emotion, however a balance must be attained.

And striking this balance appears to be the most difficult of tasks.

The shortest distance between two points may be a straight line, but most often we find ourselves walking in circles.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Lenten Sacrifice

The period of Lent has begun for all Catholics, and along with it, sacrifice in the form of fasting and abstinence.

Many believe fasting and abstinence are disconnected from the purpose of Lent, while others devotly follow the Catholic tradition. A priest mentioned in a homily that fasting and abstinence are of no use if they do not increase your 'humanity and divinity.'

If I do not become a better person or experience a closer relationship with God then it is better for me refrain from fasting and abstinence.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Riding The Wave

Till this point in my life, everything has come effortlessly to me. I've never had to work to pay my way through anything, I've never struggled with academics, and I've had the most amazing support system of family and friends.

Having hardly faced any major obstacles, I am now blown over by the wave of change that has violently invaded my perfect world. I have never faced such an enemy, for truly one that causes such disruption can only be an enemy. Full of hate it swallows me into a whirlpool of confusion and sorrow. And it leaves me desperately reaching out for that serene, familiar world that I love so much.

But it is said, 'If you cant beat 'em, join em.' So rather than oppose it, it is time to ride the wave of change.

A 'Little' Drama

A very wise friend of mine excused me from a tantrum that I threw by telling me that a little drama is good to make life a little more interesting.

I think I redefined the meaning of 'little.'

A Dream..

One of my many dreams is that one day I will be able to write and publish a book on my life!

Fighting The Friendship Battle

We all fight our own battles everyday. It may be in the classroom, or in the workplace, or even within the four walls of our homes. It may be competition between siblings, meeting a deadline, choosing between right and wrong.

A battle that I've been fighting for some time now is that of keeping in touch with 'old' friends. My Aunt's teasing voice, with a hint of seriouness hidden beneath the surface, comes to mind. She always said that the friends that I'm so attached to in High School will all eventually give up and walk they're own separate ways. Each time she said so, I'd protest ardently.

But with the passing of each day, I wonder if I'm fighting a losing battle...

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Conflict Of Interest

The priest's homily this Friday morning consisted of how each of us, in our own sphere of employment, can do that good deed, make a difference. He said that if we are shopkeepers, we must charge a price that is affordable, and if we are employers we must pay a good wage and provide good working conditions to our employees, and so on.

What his homily lacked, I feel, is that realistic touch. He failed to acknowledge that conflict of interest that occurs. Is it realistic for a businessman to provide immpecable working conditions, pay a good wage and then charge low prices to keep customers happy? A good wage, which can differ in its definition as it is a relative topic, is insatiable in nature. Low prices mean non-existant profits. Both, evidently, cannot be carried out.

This conflict of interest is what a business every day strives to balance.

And in such a manner must we, too, balance the stakeholders in our lives.