Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Ode To My Best Friend

You're my angel
My northern star
My 'bestest flend'
My Subway chocolate chip cookie
My Grand Hyatt cheesecake
My Westlife
My internet
My obsession and my passion
My princess
My baby
My love
Forever and always

Monday, May 22, 2006


I have a love-hate relationship with Dubai.

I love it so much it hurts when I'm not here. I remember the places I used to see everyday; even the blistering summer heat I miss. And I love the memories more than anything else - times I will truly cherish forever.

But being here sometimes is difficult. There was only one real bad time for me in this city I love so much. And it haunts me in moments of idleness.

The scary part? For the next ten days, I have nothing to do, but sit and think.

I'm terrified.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

And A Little Bit Of Humour

Elizabeth Swann: There will come a moment when you have the chance to do the right thing.
Jack Sparrow: I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by.

Jack Sparrow, and Johnny Depp, continuing to amuse the masses.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Happiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others so.
--Robert G. Ingersoll

Adapted from Ingersoll and Religious Liberalism by Frank Smith

I Just Called To Say Goodnight

I was just thinking about it. Reminiscing really, hand in hand with a touch of introspection.

I’ve always been very emotionally dependent on a few chosen ones. Saying goodnight just before I go to bed to someone I’m close to was so important. It served as a dose of assurance that my world was safe; it lent that much security. And I slept peacefully.

I used to do that with my best friend. There were very few nights that we wouldn’t speak before one of us went to bed. And going to bed fighting was just out of the question! We sound like an old married couple, but I liked it that way.

The year I was left behind, I had no one to do that with. I tried, but I guess no one can really replace the role your best friend plays in your life. I tried, but I was left all alone.

All the pent up frustration released itself once she came back. And I felt safe again.

She’s gone again. But so have I. We live different lives now and traditions are no longer continued, the time difference being the sole reason. So I have gotten accustomed to it. I no longer need that goodnight call to tuck me in.

But there are times when those feelings come back. And I am relieved that I have people I can count on. Just to say goodnight.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

An Impulse

I have to drive with a destination in mind.

I actually said those words to a friend the last time he sat in my car. And yes, I was teased about it for quite some time. Well driving has never been one of my favourite things to do, mostly because speed terrifies me. And I've always been the follow-the-rule kinda gal, planning first, acting later.

Today was the first time I ever did something on impulse. The street lights dimly lit the highway, the air conditioning at the perfect temperature - not freezing but enough to keep the humidity out. And the radio station playing your favourite love songs. Indeed, the epitome of serenity. And you know it doesn't get better than this.

Taking that U-turn towards my home, Bryan Adams' Everything I Do starts playing and a sneaky little thought crawled in. Alright, so I'll go up ahead and take the next exit. And then that moment of spontaneity. How often are you in this mood Mel? Just take the left lane and go back onto the highway!

And so I did.

Perhaps not the most exhilarating impulse decision, but an impulse decision it was. Starts with baby steps doesn't it? Don't expect a post about me going bungee jumping or sky diving in about six weeks though! This may be as far as it gets.

And you know what?

It was awesome!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

A Story Of Security

Tell me a story Mel. Anything.

I woke up this morning and pulled myself off the mattress on the floor and onto the sofa nearby. I just looked around my uncle's living room. I looked at the mattresses that were lined from one end to the other and at my five cousins and sister who lay next to each other on them.

And I remember feeling so secure. Because it felt like two years ago, or five years ago, or ten! I have felt this every time we have been together. I didn't know if I was eight or if I was twenty. It was the exact same feeling! And that made it all the more special.

If it can be like this after so much change - people have gone to university and come back, moved homes, grown up - then nothing can harm me. And there is no greater security than this.
The underlining cause is our fear of change. We are all so terrified. But moments like this give us the strength to carry on.

In this crazy world, sometimes all you need to do is sit with the people who will love you forever.

I sit there on that sofa. I wrap my blanket around me feeling warm and comfy. A sleepy smile. It feels so good to be home.